National Cadet Corps
National Cadet Corps
NCC is a self-motivated organization of fledgling boys and girl’s entire India. It plays a momentous role in indoctrinating values of character, patriotism, unity and selfless services amid the youth. It helps in determining the youth into discipline and making them accountable citizens of India. NCC provides a podium for self-development and supports to channelise their energy and latent towards nation building.
The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a youth advancement movement. It has mammoth latent for nation building. The NCC delivers prospects to the infancy of the country for their overall development with a wisdom of duty, commitment, dedication, discipline and moral values so that they become bright cream of the crop and advantageous citizens. The NCC provides acquaintance to the cadets in a wide range of activities with a distinct emphasis on social services, discipline and adventure training. The NCC is exposed to all regular students of schools and colleges on a voluntary basis. NCC has three wings Army, Navy and Air Force.
The National Cadet Corps came into presence on 15th July, 1948. The NCC in India was moulded with the National Cadet Corps Act of 1948, the origin of NCC can be pursued back to the University Corps, which was formed under the Indian defence Act 1970, with the objective to make up the shortage of Army.
The students are exposed to regular drills, physical activities and academic classes related to General Knowledge, War Tactics, Defence Functioning, Armed Forces, Map Reading, Communications, Infantry Weapons, Field Craft & Battle Craft, Military History and much more practical knowledge and general awareness is provided to the enrolled Cadets.